CORESPODENȚĂ ANTALYA. Zoltan Kadar (58 de ani), secund la Young Boys Berna, este unicul român din Champions League. E adevărat că pe banca tehnică, nu pe gazon. Se află cu echipa sa în Antalya și […] The post Confesiunile românului prezent în Champions League: „Mircea Lucescu a adus mentalitatea de învingător. Ne-a cam lipsit în ultima vreme”. Ce spune Zoli Kadar despre salariile din fotbalul helvet. VIDEO EXCLUSIV appeared first on Prosport.
The main idea is about the positive impact of Mircea Lucescu's coaching on the mentality of a Romanian footballer playing in the Champions League. The player believes Lucescu instilled a winning mentality that has been lacking in recent times.
There is also a mention of Zoli Kadar's perspective on footballer salaries in Switzerland, but this seems tangential to the main point about Lucescu's influence.
The main idea is about the positive impact of Mircea Lucescu's coaching on the mentality of a Romanian footballer playing in the Champions League. The player believes Lucescu instilled a winning mentality that has been lacking in recent times. There is also a mention of Zoli Kadar's perspective on footballer salaries in Switzerland, but this seems tangential to the main point about Lucescu's influence.